Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Nathan, we meet at last.

So, do you have a favorite actor?  A celebrity role model?  I do and my husband has been wonderfully supportive of my undying appreciation for Nathan Fillion for many years now (the second man in my life, LOL) He is not just a little supportive you see... he found out that Nathan was going to be in Calgary for the Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo  and suggested IF I wanted to, we could go Calgary for the trip! IF I wanted too, Bwah!

This trip was so exciting for so many reasons.  I got to see people dress up as their favorite people.  See... here is Captain America! How awesome is it to just see people walking around all costumed up for the hell of it? Walking around downtown Calgary, at the Expo, on the C-train.  They were everywhere!

And here is IRON MAN! Seriously this guy was incredible.  He made this costume his own self! Anyone who knows me, knows I love Iron Man so this was freakin awesome!

Here is Robert Patrick.   I have known Patrick since X-files, Terminator but my favorite show with him was the Unit.  Check it out, it's on Netflix and is AWESOME!   I got to watch the X-Files panel with Mitch Pileggi, Gillian Anderson and Robert Patrick.  It was a 45 minute session on X-files.  It was amazing to be in the same room with anyone of these people, let alone THREE!

Well done up cars!

I also got to meet the incredibly talented Peter Dinklage! Her is working on my absolutely favorite current tv show, Game of Thrones!  The second panel was for Game of Thrones.  Seriously, I loved it. Lena Headly and Peter Dinklage were AMAZING!  The whole audience just hung on every word he said.

Other actors in attendance were Carrie Fisher, Wil Wheaton, Eliza Dushku, Richard Dean Anderson, Stan Lee, Linda frickin Hamilton!, and also nearly half the cast of The Walking Dead! and so so so many others.

But, you've been waiting patiently for the most important picture haven't you? So here it is!

And in case you don't recognize Nathan,(which seems absolutely crazy to me) he is the actor who plays Castle on tv check him out here

Here is Nathan and I! Yes, that's right... he is touching my shoulder!!!! Me screaming like a 16 year-old girl! Isn't he dreamy? He's also funny!

Here is my slightly nerdified Soul!

Hope you enjoyed today's cardless post as much as I did!

Nicole G


  1. So glad you got to meet some of those you look up to and had fun... I love off topic posts a lot... helps you get to know that person better and what a nice treat to go with the blessing of your honey! Thanks for sharing with us! Kathi

  2. that is just too cool. that you dh is so supportive is so awesome. glad you had a great time

  3. What a fabulous hubby! How fun to go to sch an event and get your picture taken with hunky celebs! Man, I miss X-Files.
